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NIO File

The SoftSmithy Utility Library provides various utility classes for the NIO File API introduced in Java SE 7.

The SoftSmithy Utility Library distribution archive contains all SoftSmithy Utility Library jars, Javadoc, tutorial and samples.

This trail contains the following samples:

Copy files

Below is the code from that copies some files to a target directory.
This sample uses the CopyFileVisitor to recursively copy a source directory to a target directory. The CopyFileVisitor implements the FileVisitor interface and thus can be use with one of the Files.walkFileTree methods. For convenience there is the static CopyFileVisitor.copy method.

To run this sample, use:
        cd docs/samples/dist
        java -cp softsmithy-lib-samples-0.2.jar:lib/softsmithy-lib-core-0.2.jar samples.nio.file.CopyFilesSample data/first output

Extract resources from a JAR

Below is the code from that extracts a resource from the JAR containing the ExtractJarResourceSample.class file to a target directory.
Oracle's Java SE 7 Runtime comes with a FileSystemProvider implementation for JAR and ZIP files. This FileSystemProvider allows you to work with JAR and ZIP files in a similar way as with the local file system.

The JarFiles utility class provides some utility methods to work with JAR/ ZIP files.

With the help of CopyFileVisitor you can easily recursively extract/ add directories from/ to JAR or ZIP files, as CopyFileVisitor works across file systems.

To run this sample, use:
        cd docs/samples/dist
        java -cp softsmithy-lib-samples-0.2.jar:lib/softsmithy-lib-core-0.2.jar samples.nio.file.ExtractJarResourceSample output

Add resources to a ZIP file

Below is the code from that adds a source directory to a ZIP file.
This sample is similar to Extract resources from a JAR, but adds resources to a ZIP file instead of extracting resources from a JAR.

In addition, the PathUtils utility class is used to resolve paths across file systems.

To run this sample, use:
        cd docs/samples/dist
        java -cp softsmithy-lib-samples-0.2.jar:lib/softsmithy-lib-core-0.2.jar samples.nio.file.AddZipResourceSample data/ output data/another /first

Get the installation directory

If you unpack the SoftSmithy Utility Library distribution archive, you can find the JAR containing the samples at the following location:
        <install-dir>/docs/samples/dist/lib/<other jars> 
Below is the code from that gets the <install-dir>.
In this sample, JarFiles.getJarURI is used to get the installation directory.

To run this sample, use:
        cd docs/samples/dist
        java -cp softsmithy-lib-samples-0.2.jar:lib/softsmithy-lib-core-0.2.jar samples.nio.file.GetInstallationDirSample
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