Class AbstractTableLayout

  extended by org.softsmithy.lib.awt.layout.AbstractTableLayout
All Implemented Interfaces:
LayoutManager, LayoutManager2, TableLayout, CustomizerLayout
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractTableLayout
extends Object
implements TableLayout

Nested Class Summary
protected static class AbstractTableLayout.AbstractAxis
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addComponentLayoutListener(Component component, ComponentLayoutListener listener)
 void addComponentLayoutListener(ComponentLayoutListener listener)
 void addLayoutComponent(Component comp, Object constr)
          Adds the specified component to the layout, using the specified constraint object.
 void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component comp)
          If the layout manager uses a per-component string, adds the component comp to the layout, associating it with the string specified by name.
 void ensureValidity(Container container)
 void ensureValidity(Rectangle innerArea)
protected abstract  AbstractTableLayout.AbstractAxis getColumns()
          Indicates whether or not the size of the cells are known for the last known size of the container.
 Component[] getComponents(Container parent)
 float getLayoutAlignmentX(Container parent)
          Returns the alignment along the x axis.
 float getLayoutAlignmentY(Container parent)
          Returns the alignment along the y axis.
protected abstract  AbstractTableLayout.AbstractAxis getRows()
 void invalidateLayout(Container target)
          Invalidates the layout, indicating that if the layout manager has cached information it should be discarded.
protected  boolean isValid(Rectangle innerArea)
 void layoutComponent(Container parent, Component comp)
 void layoutContainer(Container parent)
          Lays out the specified container.
 Dimension maximumLayoutSize(Container target)
          Returns the maximum dimensions for this layout given the components in the specified target container.
 void removeComponentLayoutListener(Component component, ComponentLayoutListener listener)
 void removeComponentLayoutListener(ComponentLayoutListener listener)
protected  void validateLayout(Rectangle innerArea)
          Calculates the sizes of the rows and columns based on the absolute and relative sizes specified in rowSpec and columnSpec and the size of the container.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.softsmithy.lib.awt.layout.TableLayout
adjustBounds, adjustHeight, adjustWidth, adjustX, adjustY, colSpan, columnIndex, deleteColumn, deleteRow, drawGrid, getColumnWidth, getRowHeight, getTableConstraints, height, insertColumn, insertRow, rowIndex, rowSpan, setColumnWidth, setRelativeBounds, setRowHeight, setTableConstraints, width, xLocation, yLocation
Methods inherited from interface org.softsmithy.lib.swing.customizer.CustomizerLayout
drawLayoutHelp, getCustomizerConstraints, setAbsoluteBounds, setCustomizerConstraints
Methods inherited from interface java.awt.LayoutManager
minimumLayoutSize, preferredLayoutSize, removeLayoutComponent

Constructor Detail


public AbstractTableLayout()
Method Detail


protected abstract AbstractTableLayout.AbstractAxis getColumns()
Indicates whether or not the size of the cells are known for the last known size of the container. If valid is false or the container has been resized, the cell sizes must be recalculated using calculateSize.


protected abstract AbstractTableLayout.AbstractAxis getRows()


public void addLayoutComponent(String name,
                               Component comp)
If the layout manager uses a per-component string, adds the component comp to the layout, associating it with the string specified by name.

Specified by:
addLayoutComponent in interface LayoutManager
name - the string to be associated with the component
comp - the component to be added


public void addLayoutComponent(Component comp,
                               Object constr)
Adds the specified component to the layout, using the specified constraint object.

Specified by:
addLayoutComponent in interface LayoutManager2
comp - the component to be added
constraints - where/how the component is added to the layout.


protected void validateLayout(Rectangle innerArea)
Calculates the sizes of the rows and columns based on the absolute and relative sizes specified in rowSpec and columnSpec and the size of the container. The result is stored in rowSize and columnSize.

container - container using this TableLayout


public void invalidateLayout(Container target)
Invalidates the layout, indicating that if the layout manager has cached information it should be discarded.

Specified by:
invalidateLayout in interface LayoutManager2


protected boolean isValid(Rectangle innerArea)


public float getLayoutAlignmentX(Container parent)
Returns the alignment along the x axis. This specifies how the component would like to be aligned relative to other components. The value should be a number between 0 and 1 where 0 represents alignment along the origin, 1 is aligned the furthest away from the origin, 0.5 is centered, etc.

Specified by:
getLayoutAlignmentX in interface LayoutManager2
unconditionally, 0.5


public float getLayoutAlignmentY(Container parent)
Returns the alignment along the y axis. This specifies how the component would like to be aligned relative to other components. The value should be a number between 0 and 1 where 0 represents alignment along the origin, 1 is aligned the furthest away from the origin, 0.5 is centered, etc.

Specified by:
getLayoutAlignmentY in interface LayoutManager2
unconditionally, 0.5


public Dimension maximumLayoutSize(Container target)
Returns the maximum dimensions for this layout given the components in the specified target container.

Specified by:
maximumLayoutSize in interface LayoutManager2
target - the component which needs to be laid out
unconditionally, a Dimension of Integer.MAX_VALUE by Integer.MAX_VALUE since TableLayout does not limit the maximum size of a container


public void ensureValidity(Container container)


public void ensureValidity(Rectangle innerArea)


public void layoutContainer(Container parent)
Lays out the specified container.

Specified by:
layoutContainer in interface LayoutManager
parent - the container to be laid out


public void layoutComponent(Container parent,
                            Component comp)
Specified by:
layoutComponent in interface TableLayout
Specified by:
layoutComponent in interface CustomizerLayout


public Component[] getComponents(Container parent)


public void addComponentLayoutListener(ComponentLayoutListener listener)
Specified by:
addComponentLayoutListener in interface CustomizerLayout


public void addComponentLayoutListener(Component component,
                                       ComponentLayoutListener listener)
Specified by:
addComponentLayoutListener in interface CustomizerLayout


public void removeComponentLayoutListener(ComponentLayoutListener listener)
Specified by:
removeComponentLayoutListener in interface CustomizerLayout


public void removeComponentLayoutListener(Component component,
                                          ComponentLayoutListener listener)
Specified by:
removeComponentLayoutListener in interface CustomizerLayout

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